Sir, - I am writing in support of Kevin Myers's recent article and his dissatisfaction with French wines

Sir, - I am writing in support of Kevin Myers's recent article and his dissatisfaction with French wines. I have to say that my experience has been remarkably similar to his. I find that by paying between £6-£8 on a "New World" wine, you can be reasonably sure it is drinkable and mostly very enjoyable. However, in this price bracket I have found French wines to be, with a few notable exceptions, thin, insipid and very often astringent.

As for asking advice from "well trained, professional staff" in your local off licence or supermarket, I would like to point out to Nicholas Hughes (February 13th) that all wine drinkers do not live in Dublin. My experience in my locality is that my limited knowledge of wine is often vastly superior to the staff in the supermarkets I frequent.

However, it has to be said that in the five years I have lived in this area, the choice and selection of wine available has improved immeasurably and, hopefully, will continue to improve. - Yours, etc.,




Co Meath.