Caranua and closing date

Sir, – I am writing regarding a recent article "Caranua urged to show 'flexibility' with closing date" (News, August 28th). A State agency, Caranua was set up under the Residential Institutions Statutory Fund Act 2012 to provide a range of funding support services to survivors of institutional abuse. A finite fund of €110 million was provided by religious congregations.

Caranua does not receive public funding and has a fiduciary responsibility to carefully manage the fund, ensuring adequate resources are available to meet the requirements of survivors with open applications. As the fund is nearly expended, the role of the organisation is coming to an end.

Caranua takes a flexible approach towards survivors’ applications; however, with limited funds remaining, survivors are aware that funding supports services will no longer be available. Over two years ago, in May 2018, plans for the orderly wind-down of the fund were announced. In early 2019, Caranua began contacting survivors with open applications to discuss person-centred timelines to complete them.

Caranua regularly engages with survivor support groups and other stakeholders on this matter and information is available on our website


To protect the privacy of survivors, Caranua does not comment on the details of individual cases. However, we take the welfare of survivors very seriously and would advise anyone who alleges knowledge of abuse to notify relevant authorities. – Yours, etc,


Chief Executive Officer,


PO Box 12477, Dublin 1.