Carlow Bypass

Sir, - I note with interest the growing controversy over the proposed bypass of Carlow Town (From the South East, August 25th…

Sir, - I note with interest the growing controversy over the proposed bypass of Carlow Town (From the South East, August 25th). It is true that Carlow does suffer from traffic congestion, but with a good traffic management plan, its problems could be alleviated.

Continuing the Northern relief road and extending it to link with the Kilkenny Road at Mortarstown would give Carlow a new N9 bypass at a fraction of the proposed cost of the routes now on the drawing-board and with the minimum of environmental degradation. If one of the proposed routes is sanctioned by the council, great swathes of the marvellous countryside will be lost and small communities and many farms will be cut in two.

The proposal for the inner relief road as first mooted in the 1970s is still valid. Trade in Carlow town would not suffer; traffic would flow freely and small towns and villages would not be devastated.

Carlow is the second smallest county in Ireland, but those of us who care deeply about where we live and work will make sure that we have the loudest voice to protect what we know is in its best interests. - Yours, etc.,


Cllr Mary White, Green Party Spokesperson on the Environment, Borris, Co Carlow.