Case for - and against - medical marijuana

Sir, – Melanie Leamy (Letters, December 5th) writes, without substantiation or reference, that marijuana "has been shown to be very helpful for people with chronic pain".

It hasn't. Yet the lie that it has is frequently repeated. Numerous studies have shown little or no benefit when cannabinoids are compared to standard drugs and therapies. For instance, a 2014 British Medical Journal review of cannabinoids concluded, "The effectiveness of cannabinoids for the treatment of chronic pain remains unclear, although any benefit is likely to be modest. The available evidence indicates a risk of potentially serious adverse effects, including alterations in perception, motor function, and cognitive function."

Cannabis certainly makes people feel good, but that is a different matter from pain relief. Let us not sully the arguments about legislation of cannabis with the falsehood that we need it for medicinal use. We don’t.

– Yours, etc,




Sir, – Once again I urge those in charge to act in changing the Drugs Act of 1977 so that medicinal cannabis be made available for doctors to prescribe for patients with mental and physical pain at home or in hospital.

To those in charge – please hurry up for those in pain.

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 8.