Catholics And Ecumenism

Sir, - President McAleese voiced the deep disappointment and frustration of many Roman Catholics (not all, cf

Sir, - President McAleese voiced the deep disappointment and frustration of many Roman Catholics (not all, cf. Fr Terence Crotty, September 27th) over the document Dominus Iesus. That, so long after Vatican II, we are told that the Church founded by Christ subsists only in the Roman Catholic Church and that all outside it are in error, is a cause of pain to people committed to ecumenism.

The document denies the validity of the ministry in the Reformed churches. It is said that their ministry is not Apostolic since it cannot be traced back in a direct line to Peter. Has anyone actually traced the Papacy back to Peter? There were times, I think, when it was difficult to know who the legitimate Pope was.

One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic? The document is open to challenge on all counts. - Yours, etc.,

Mary Blackwell, Botanic Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9.