Charities and accountability

Sir, – The recent shocking revelations about Console perhaps too neatly reflect the old Dutch proverb, “Trust arrives on foot and leaves on horseback”. As donors, what are we to do?

To avoid reticence in giving to the many well-run charities, I suggest donors first take some simple steps to seek reassurance about their favourite charities. Using the old principle that “sunlight is the best disinfectant”, in this digital age the website of every credible charity of any scale should clearly and prominently identify, and give background information on, each of the directors and trustees. These are the legally accountable people. Ask whether you would give them your hard-earned money to deploy. There is little reason not to see full financial statements on a site, as well explanations as to how these people work together to achieve the charitable purpose and deploy your money. This is governance. If you’re still not clear, then start asking more questions.

The website of the Charities Regulatory Authority may contain this information in the years to come but surprisingly does not contain all of it today, although the Act dates from 2009. In any event, the onus is on the charity to reassure the public about its governance.– Yours, etc,



Dublin 2.

Sir, – While it is good to look closely at the services being offered by charities, and streamlining of services in certain areas would be prudent, it is also important to note that the State funds many of these charities because they fill a huge gap in service provision and do so on a much more cost-effective basis than the Government would be able to do. Speaking as a employee of a charity, I would be happy to take up a job in a government agency that was willing to take over my sector as it would ensure a higher salary, job security, yearly wage increments, built-in pension entitlements and longer holidays. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.