Chris de Burgh sees red

Madam, – Having read Chris de Burgh’s letter in response to Peter Crawley’s review of his concert in the Gaiety Theatre, I am…

Madam, – Having read Chris de Burgh’s letter in response to Peter Crawley’s review of his concert in the Gaiety Theatre, I am in complete agreement with him. I am not a fan of Chris de Burgh but I accept that he makes good pop music that is just as valid as most other pop acts. Mr de Burgh has legions of loyal fans all over the world.

I have noticed that many critics seem to attend an entertainment with fixed ideas and, probably, their critique already written with just a few minor details to be filled in to prove they attended. I read The Irish Timesdaily and regularly observe that your pop music critics in particular are often very biased and unpleasant when it comes to reviewing someone who is outside their area of "coolness".

Is it not time to send somebody along who actually likes the music and who might give a more valid critique of the performance. – Yours, etc,


Castle Grove,


Dublin 22.