Christmas Greetings

Sir, - Brian Rush (December 10th) suggests, incorrectly, that An Post has abandoned traditional Christian images by choosing …

Sir, - Brian Rush (December 10th) suggests, incorrectly, that An Post has abandoned traditional Christian images by choosing only a Christmas tree to adorn our Christmas stamps.The fact is that An Post has produced nine million traditional Christmas stamps, this year, in three denominations (28p, 32p and 52p), featuring three separate images of the Holy Family in the medium of stained glass. These stamps are currently available at all post offices.The Christmas tree stamp to which Mr Rush refers is a new self-adhesive 28p stamp, available in booklets of 20, for posting Christmas cards within Ireland and by airmail to Britain. - Yours, etc.,John FoleyPublic Relations Manager,An Post,General Post Office,Dublin 1.