Citizens’ assembly on biodiversity crisis

Sir, – More than two years have now passed since a “citizens’ assembly on the biodiversity emergency” was called for by the Dáil in May 2019, with a promise to progress it in the programme for government.

To declare an emergency and then delay taking any action for more than two years is a statement in itself.

A citizens’ assembly on biodiversity could debate how the public, the Oireachtas, the Government, and the Constitution could address this emergency. It should extend to Supreme Court Chief Justice Frank Clarke’s observation that the potential and the precise type of a constitutional “right to the environment” could be the “subject of debate and democratic approval” and “express incorporation into our Constitution” rather than relying on a decision of our courts.

As the last days of this Dáil sitting expire, we urge the Government to play its part in committing to such a citizens’ assembly without yet further delay. – Yours, etc,



Friends of the Irish



Co Cork.