City living and speed limits

Sir, – In the same way that the Irish wholeheartedly adopted the smoking ban, I bet we will look back in five years and ask why we did not implement widespread 30 km/h speed limits sooner. We will remark on how quiet the streets have become, how much cleaner the air is, and how nice it is to walk and cycle around the city.

Motorists will laugh at how they used to continually speed up to the next set of traffic lights and how little difference it makes to their journey time to go at a steady 30 km/h. A vocal minority will complain about the hordes of unruly children cycling and walking to school but their parents will be happy to know their children are getting a bit of exercise every day.

The proposed safer 30 km/h speed limit makes sense for Dublin city, just as it does for the 160 or more council areas in Europe that have already successfully adopted it. – Yours, etc,



Terenure, Dublin 6W.