Computers in schools

Madam, - I think your Editorial of March 20th on computers in schools misses the point

Madam, - I think your Editorial of March 20th on computers in schools misses the point. Ireland may lag behind most of the EU in school computer spending, but none of the states which have spent much more than us have yet managed to establish a causal link between increased ICT spending and student achievement.

After spending £2.6 billion, UK government agencies now conclude that 80 per cent of schools do not make the best use of the tools supplied. The message is clear: spend less, spend smarter but fund schools and colleges to innovate and share in clusters. Innovation releases the endorphins of enthusiasm and that's more important than computer numbers or notional skills.

- Yours, etc,

JOHN DAVITT, Gortnaheltia, Glenhest, Co Mayo.