Criticism Of Female Journalists

Sir, - As usual Kevin Myers is intent not only on making his point but also on doing it in the most controversial manner possible…

Sir, - As usual Kevin Myers is intent not only on making his point but also on doing it in the most controversial manner possible.

His demonisation of the female reporter in the Lawrence Dallaglio story and his association of the most salacious tabloid jounalism with women, panders nicely to the appetite of the mysogynistic (May 26th).

Lawrence Dallaglio is a sap, not because he believed the young woman who interviewed him but because he was stupid enough to talk freely on these matters to a total stranger. Although his disclosures were made in what he believed to be a private conversation, it shows a complete disregard and lack of awareness for his position as the captain of the England rugby team.

I believe that it is crucial to publicly debate standards in the reporting of private lives in Ireland, if we are not to fall victim to the insidious nature of News International's brand of journalism. If Mr Myers is to make an authoritative contribution to the debate, he would do well not to alienate his audience of women and the majority of men. Most, I suggest, do not see the villain of the piece as the woman involved but the decisions that push this style of journalism.


Comments on the personal qualities of the woman, and the role of female tabloid jounalists, serve only to stereotype his female colleagues, and women generally, which does little to promote a debate which deserves serious attention and clarity of thought. - Yours, etc., Ellen Bailey,

Ranelagh, Dublin 6.