Customers and the human touch

Sir, – A very interesting article by Conor Pope, which highlights the difficulties encountered by customers when endeavouring to find a person to discuss a problem with or air a grievance, is particularly relevant now and is likely to become more so, as further companies appear to be adopting the attitude that personal contact is to be avoided at all costs ("Customer disservice – it doesn't pay to lose the human touch", Life, April 27th). Perhaps some of these companies will realise in time that being able to offer personal service could indeed attract more business, especially if they offer something which is not available from their opposition.

Another practice that is equally frustrating is to receive a letter from a bank bearing a signature which appears to be have been made deliberately illegible, leaving the presumably unimportant customer without a point of contact. The ancient policy of crowning the customer now seems to be a thing of the past. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6W.