Cycling in the dark

A chara, – I recall vividly the sense of trepidation my uncle felt 40 or more years ago when he had to enter a courtroom. The reason for being in such an alien environment for him, was that he had a “once in a blue-moon” failure to have a working light on his bicycle.

The garda apprehending would accept no excuses and processed the transgression. My uncle subsequently secured a salary reduction commensurate with his time attending court and was fined by the presiding judge.

Contrast this with Dublin today where a small but it would seem, increasing minority of cyclists breeze around the city in virtual darkness. Their awareness of being a danger to themselves, fellow cyclists, pedestrians and other road users, is apparently non-existent. A publicity campaign to highlight this matter would be of no small benefit but would only have a maximum result if the conduct was, dare it be said, “policed”.

The starkness of the paucity of gardaí on our streets seems only matched by the significant numbers of gardaí present when some form of public protest is in motion. The latter may be necessary at times, but the ongoing virtual wild west of unlighted and un-illuminated fast moving bicycles is a, not so clear, but it is a present danger, to all concerned. – Is mise,



Rathmines, Dublin 6.