Danger of processed meat

Sir, – I was interested to read your article (October 27th) stating that the HSE will review the WHO statement regarding red and processed meat.

I am not aware that the HSE has the expertise to engage in such a review and even if it did, it would simply be reinventing the wheel.

All that the HSE needs to do is to avoid any delay and ensure that health information literature and patients’ meals comply with the WHO guidance as soon as possible. – Yours, etc,




Co Wexford.

Sir, – Following the plate-rattling, pre-Halloween, terror visited on us by the publication of research into the cancer risks associated with the consumption of processed meats and, by association, the venerable Ulster fry ("Eating bacon, ham and sausages can cause bowel cancer, WHO," October27th), I am minded to invoke the verse of Belfast-born poet, Paul McCann, as a fitting epitaph to mark the consignment of this regional gastronomic delight into the annals of epicurean mythology: "If you come to Belfast hungry and alone, have yourself an Ulster fry and make yourself at home. Buy a bit of bacon and potato bread each day, when you take a fry up, dear, you'll never go away!" – Yours, etc,



Co Donegal.