Darrell Figgis

A chara, - I would like to ask your readers for their help in locating the personal papers of Mr Darrell Figgis (1882-1925) for…

A chara, - I would like to ask your readers for their help in locating the personal papers of Mr Darrell Figgis (1882-1925) for the purposes of a postgraduate thesis. Mr Figgis was involved heavily in the national struggle, going to Germany with Erskine Childers to buy the guns which the Irish Volunteers landed at Howth, and he was deputy chair of the committee which drafted the Free State Constitution.

He was also an important literary figure, publishing many poems and novels, some of which were quite mystic in nature. After being expelled from Sinn Féin, while a member of its Ard Chomhairle in 1922, he went on to represent Dublin County as an independent TD until he tragically committed suicide in London in 1925, an event which his colleagues in Dáil Éireann chose to ignore in the chamber.

Any help or direction in locating items such as papers or letters would be extremely appreciated, as indeed would any help on the matter. - Is mise,

BREANDÁN Ó CORRÁIN, 56 Dromroe Village, University of Limerick, Limerick.