David Cameron’s political legacy

Sir, – Denis Staunton describes David Cameron's premiership as a "failure" ("May's sudden elevation good news for Conservative Party", Analysis, May 12th).

Perhaps I’m in the minority but, on the contrary, what I saw displayed through recent events was a leader of some honour and character who democratically put a question of national and indeed international importance to his populace and, upon receiving the answer, had the courage of his convictions to fall on his political sword.

Would that more “leaders”, many deemed successful by the media, behaved as honestly and transparently as David Cameron has done. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – David Cameron is a discredited and humiliated prime minister who gambled away his future, and those of his fellow citizens, and has now lost not only his job but his political reputation. As he is ignominiously forced to scramble to vacate his office within hours, he is yesterday's man, remembered primarily for being the social butterfly who fluttered around the friends of the former News of the World editorial staff and their employer.

Now we can look forward to prime minister’s questions no longer dominated by “yobbo yelling” across the despatch box in an effort to silence criticism without ever answering the question.

Welcome Theresa May! A radical, modernising Tory, quietly but resolutely effective, who has no truck with media moguls, and who talks with authority instead of invective.

What a change it will be to welcome a consummate politician as prime minister who will act with decorum, common sense, a respect for democratic debate and the business of government! – Yours, etc,




Sir, – Even a fortunate politician can push his luck. – Yours, etc,

