Sir, - Up to a point, I agree with Dean Andrew Furlong of Clonmacnoise.

Sir, - Up to a point, I agree with Dean Andrew Furlong of Clonmacnoise.

As a mere mortal trying to live up to the standards and tenets of the Christian Church, I find that the divinity of Christ is the most difficult to give credence to, and, if truth be told, I am much happier with the view that Jesus was, simply, an outstanding prophet. This attitude, I know, makes me into a far from perfect Christian - a veritable hypocrite.

I take it that the dean thinks along similar lines. However, where we differ strongly is that whereas I, as a layman, have made by beliefs known through a letter to the Editor whilst drawing a salary from my semi-State employer, Dean Furlong has used the facilities of the Church of Ireland website to make his radical anti-Church views public, while simultaneously drawing his stipend from the same Church whose doctrines he rubbishes - a Church which, I am quite sure, would require absolutely unshakeable belief in the divinity of Christ as the first criterion of being a Minister.

I opine that this action has turned mere hypocrisy into treachery; so, to be true to his employers (and himself), I feel that Dean Furlong should do the honourable thing, and resign. - Yours, etc.,


D.K HENDERSON, Castle Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3.