Deferral Of Orange March

Sir, - I do not know if any individuals within the Orange Order have been convicted of murdering members of the Roman Catholic…

Sir, - I do not know if any individuals within the Orange Order have been convicted of murdering members of the Roman Catholic faith during the "Troubles". However, the republican movement has been responsible for the deaths on close to 500 members of that faith, men, women and children. Included in that number are members of the Garda Siochana, murdered by the IRA while defending our democracy.

On more than one occasion I have had to endure the sickening sight of masked republicans marching down O'Connell Street in paramilitary uniforms, glorifying the IRA. However, members of the Orange Order in the Republic who might be regarded as walking saints in comparison with the IRA have been prevented from marching in their own capital city on May 28th.

In view of this animosity to the Orange Order it is perhaps now time we stopped the hypocrisy about an alleged commitment to an inclusive Republic by removing the orange from the Tricolour. - Yours, etc.,

Tony Moriarty, Shanid Road, Kenilworth Park, Dublin 6 W.