Delay over key report on arts

Madam, - I note with interest the article of March 10th on the Arts and Education Committee report - the "report that went AWOL…

Madam, - I note with interest the article of March 10th on the Arts and Education Committee report - the "report that went AWOL". The publication of this report is crucial as the issue of effectively embedding and promoting the arts within the education framework should be prioritised without delay.

Unfortunately this report and its recommendations seem to have got lost in the bureaucratic muddle in which this Government operates. Considering it has been over 17 months since the committee was established and 10 months since it submitted its report, it beggars belief that the report has not been published, nor does it appear that any of the recommendations are being implemented.

If the recommendations are to be acted upon in time for the school year from this September, this report needs to be published and its recommendations fast-tracked. Unfortunately it appears this will not be the case and this report will remain stuck in the mud between two Departments and the Arts Council.

- Yours, etc,


MARY UPTON, Labour Party Spokesperson on Arts, Sport and Tourism, Leinster House, Dublin 2.