Development in Dún Laoghaire

Madam, - In light of Frank McDonald's article of July 20th I wish to clarify a number of issues regarding the Dún Laoghaire baths…

Madam, - In light of Frank McDonald's article of July 20th I wish to clarify a number of issues regarding the Dún Laoghaire baths site. As a ward councillor for the area I sit on a council sub-committee charged with formulating proposals for the future of this scenically beautiful and significant site.

We are making progress and have now set out a number of key recommendations including ensuring a public baths be put in place, that the site contains no residential development and that no high-rise buildings are installed. Furthermore, we have proposed a process of public consultation to ensure the views of the public are taken on board.

However, it is important to remember one crucial issue and that is the need for central Government funding. The real case which Mr McDonald should be making is that the stretch of Dublin's coastline reached through Dún Laoghaire is a major "lung" for the city which must be kept open and available to all.

The key question is whether central Government will show its commitment to our coastline and provide part of the investment that is so badly needed. - Yours, etc,


Cllr JOHN BAILEY, (Fine Gael), Killiney Road, Killiney, Co Dublin.