Does astrology have a future?

Astrology: a tool for interpreting the world? Photograph: Thinkstock

Sir, – I read with interest Joe Humphreys's balanced piece on Martin Cohen ("Unthinkable: Are scientists wrong to dismiss astrology?", December 1st) and was heartened to note the latter's comments on the subject of astrology.

Whatever the rationale for astrology, its capacity to provide a comprehensive means of understanding human personality, behaviour, change and growth cannot be bettered,

Astrology uses a cosmic symbolic language of energy to reveal the inherent temperament that each individual innately possesses. This language enables us to gain insight and practical understanding, not only of our conscious self but, and most importantly, those aspects of our unconscious self that we find so difficult to accept when they are “mirrored” back at us through the behaviour of those with whom we interact.

Scientists now realise that we can only perceive reality through the lens of our own innate predispositions and the immense power of astrology to shine light on these predispositions is slowly being recognised and appreciated.


Surely a subject that can provide insight into our own “blind spots”, that can help us understand how physical energy and psychic energy reflect each other, and are aspects of a unity underlying reality, is worthy of serious exploration before being dismissed? – Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.