Driving test problems

Madam, - I have the pleasure of living in your beautiful country now for over 21 years and I could never understand how the legal…

Madam, - I have the pleasure of living in your beautiful country now for over 21 years and I could never understand how the legal system can allow anybody (Irish) to drive on your roads without any formal training.

I did my driving test in Germany, aged 19, after eight compulsory and many more voluntary driving lessons (and a full set of theory lessons, at least 12 weeks), until my instructor felt I was ready to be "let loose". I passed my test. Five years later, I received instructions for motorbike riding. These were very comprehensive and included "Schleudertraining", which teaches you how to react when sliding on leaves, how to avoid an obstacle, or just the general "dos and don'ts". Again, there is always compulsory theory and practice involved, because it is the country's obligation and responsibility to make sure all drivers, young and old, do not drive unless they are fit to do so.

Young people need to understand that driving is adults' stuff, has to do with responsibility, and they need to get out of their peer group to do so.

If the driving schools would have to take on the theory tuition, it would raise the price of the licence and would make it more of an effort for youngsters to get there. I can't see why it should be so easy to get a licence to kill. - Yours, etc,


DINAH KLINGE, Bray, Co Wicklow.

P.S. I did two driving tests in Ireland in order to maintain both licences. Both tests were a joke.