Dublin coastline flood risk

Madam, - Writing in The Irish Times on Monday, September 25th, 1995, reporter Uinsionn Mac Dubhgaill analysed the predictions…

Madam, - Writing in The Irish Times on Monday, September 25th, 1995, reporter Uinsionn Mac Dubhgaill analysed the predictions and conclusions reached at a conference on Global Change and the Irish Environment, held the previous week.

At that conference a distinguished speaker, Dr John Sweeney of NUI, Maynooth, said: "There are large parts of Eastern Dublin which have quite exposed low-lying areas close to the sea. These areas, for example around Sandymount Strand, have long histories of coastal flooding". In 2004 the Environmental Research and Technological Development and Innovation Programme (ERDTI) report, "Climate Change, Scenarios and Impacts", was published by the EPA for the National Development Plan.

On page 228, the report recommends, among other advice, that "a policy of planned retreat in some areas, combined with prohibitions on new developments in vulnerable coastal zones, offers the best economic solution for most areas in Ireland".

In your Letters page of September 13th, Lorna Kelly again raises the question of development on Dublin's coastline.


There has been intense discussion and analysis by the media on the failure of the Bush administration in the matter of mitigating measures to deal with the hurricane in New Orleans.

Could we have a little analysis of emergency measures and policies on coastal management at a more local level, please? - Yours, etc,

NUALA LADD, St John's, Sandymount, Dublin 4.