Dublin's Fair City?

Sir, - I noted with dismay the anger of Dublin city business interests - the Dublin Chamber of Commerce and the Dublin City Centre…

Sir, - I noted with dismay the anger of Dublin city business interests - the Dublin Chamber of Commerce and the Dublin City Centre Business Association - at Gareth O'Callaghan's disparaging remarks about our capital city on radio last week.

He made them following Fortune magazine's claim that Dublin is the best European city to do business in. Well said, Gareth. Three million culchies, like me, can't be wrong!

How insular and sectional must Dublin city businesses be to be so blind to their customers' concerns? Find me a culchie that loves going to Dublin to shop, with its traffic problems and crime.

The perception in country Ireland of our capital city is that it's a "hell hole" where you have to allow for hours sitting in traffic, be very careful where you park your car, and most of all, watch your back, your wife, your children, your handbag and wallet!


Dublin could and should be a nice place to go to shop, to visit relations, to go to a match, or whatever, but it won't be unless its business interests be more positive and use their considerable influence to address its problems. - Yours, etc.,

Mullingar, Co Westmeath.