Easter Mass in Drogheda

Madam, - It is evident from the letters to your paper concerning the concelebrated Mass in Drogheda that there are many Catholics…

Madam, - It is evident from the letters to your paper concerning the concelebrated Mass in Drogheda that there are many Catholics, both lay and clerical, who want to be in the army but do not want to wear the boots. The support for Fr Iggy O'Donovan and his co-concelebrants shows that the happy-clappy liberal brigade of Irish Catholics does not believe there are any rules worth taking seriously.

For two weeks now there has been a great deal of well-meaning rhetoric about the importance of ecumenism, unity among Christians and what Jesus would have done in this situation.

While we all continue to pray for Christian unity there remain very fundamental differences between Catholic and Anglican belief on the celebration of Mass.

Catholics believe that the Mass is the same sacrifice as Calvary, though offered in a different manner.


Anglicans do not.

Catholics believe in one true church founded by Jesus Christ. Anglicans do not.

Catholics believe in transubstantiation.

Anglicans do not.

A Mass that overlooks such fundamental differences is a futile attempt at Christian unity. - Yours, etc,

ANNE KENNEDY, Belgard Heights, Tallaght, Dublin 24.