Education driven by the market

Sir, – I am concerned by the over emphasis on Stem subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths) in our secondary education system, as highlighted by a number articles on CAO offers (August 17th).

What is alarming is the silent acceptance of the notion that our education system should be driven by market forces.

Of course education should in part prepare young adults for the world of work, but the current heavy promotion of Stem subjects over humanities runs the risk of reducing our young people to automatons for the multinational engineering, science and technology sectors.

A society devoid of the critical thinking and cultural literacy that humanities engender risks becoming little more than a factory.


Currently we are a nation renowned for our rich heritage and we are contemporary leaders in many fields of the arts. It is within these that our genuine wealth lies. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 24.

Sir, – The “argument” is often made that despite the shortcomings of the Leaving Certificate/CAO system, it is fair and free from influence.

Well, that’s a good one.

As if money and advantage could not buy extra tuition and coaching in the exam system. And the Leaving Certificate exam lends itself to such coaching as it is predictable and “formulaic” in nature.

And then we hear of the importance of critical thinking. Well isn’t that even a better one. Are pupils who play along with, or even embrace, the drudgery of the current system of formula-type rote learning and achieve high points the brightest and best not to mention critical thinkers?

Then again is it any wonder since many teachers, lecturers and commentators came through the same system.

– Yours, etc,



Co Westmeath.