Encouraging more cyclists

Madam, – David Smith (April 24th) seems to share a belief common to motorists that, by virtue of paying road tax, the roads …

Madam, – David Smith (April 24th) seems to share a belief common to motorists that, by virtue of paying road tax, the roads belong to them.

They drive accordingly, ignoring cycle lanes, ignoring cyclists when turning left, pulling in to the kerb, opening car doors . . . need I go on?

James Walsh (April 24th) is very cross with cyclists who have the audacity to use the road instead of the cycle lane. As for cyclists ignoring traffic lights – if they could just behave like car drivers and break red lights, accelerate at amber lights and use a horn at all available opportunities, motorists might understand them.

I am a car driver and a cyclist. I cycle to work along busy streets and, on a daily basis, deal with car and bus drivers who are unheeding, careless, and inattentive, and I have learned how to survive so far. I know that I am a better and more careful driver since I returned to cycling. So, here are two suggestions:


1. An awareness of cyclists should be incorporated into the driving test.

2. Every cyclist should re-educate at least one car driver of their acquaintance in the correct, courteous and considerate way of sharing the roads with cyclists. – Yours, etc,


Northumberland Court,

Haddington Road,

Dublin 4.