Enough of 1916 - time to move on

Sir, – My reaction on reading the "Centenary Conversations", the recent Irish Times special report, is that the volume of writing on the 1916 Rising during the year is out of all proportion to its historical importance.

Nevertheless, a martyr for punishment, I enjoyed reading the views expressed but I select Kevin O’Rourke’s contribution as striking an authentic note in stemming the tide of euphoria: “We are not so special. In a global context the events of 1916 were not so extraordinary.”

For this reader, the vox pop opinions are by far more honest and authentic, especially for one born in rural Ireland, than the lofty concepts of culture, identity and citizenship of the historians and academics.

Even WB Yeats soon came to regret his moment of rapture over the “terrible beauty” of 1916. We must now get on with life. How about commemorating those who served Ireland in humbler ways?


– Yours, etc,


