EPA and illegal dumping

Madam, - Your Editorial of August 8th on illegal dumping rightly places strong emphasis on enforcement, as does the Environmental…

Madam, - Your Editorial of August 8th on illegal dumping rightly places strong emphasis on enforcement, as does the Environmental Protection Agency. The purpose of the "Dump the Dumpers" phone line campaign is to highlight the problem of fly tipping and backyard burning and to identify and punish the perpetrators. In 2004 more than 300 prosecutions were brought by local authorities for illegal waste activities.

The EPA would like to make it clear that local authorities, the Garda and the EPA are dedicated to following up and checking on all the information provided by the public, as appropriate. Where there is merit, and evidence can be gathered, we would very much hope that prosecutions will follow as a result of this new service.

As the lead agency co-ordinating the environmental enforcement network, the EPA has a successful record in liaising with the local authorities, the Garda and indeed the PSNI. As a result, callers to the confidential phone line can be assured that this is a carefully managed and co-ordinated campaign that goes beyond simply highlighting illegal activity to pursuing thoughtless or criminal activity and penalising or prosecuting offenders.

Illegal dumping is an environmental crime and must be recognised as such. The EPA's confidential phone line is the public's opportunity to fight back for the environment by calling 1850 365 121. The EPA's commitment is to ensure that all legitimate reports are acted upon. - Yours, etc,


DARA LYNOTT, Director, Office of  Environmental Enforcement, EPA, Johnstown Castle Estate, Co Wexford.