EU services directive

Madam, - Opposition to what the EU services directive seeks to achieve is, in effect, opposition to one of the four freedoms …

Madam, - Opposition to what the EU services directive seeks to achieve is, in effect, opposition to one of the four freedoms that form the basis of the Union.

The logic of this approach should, therefore, translate to opposition to free movement of workers, capital and goods, as well as to services. How could this benefit workers, trade unionists and the population at large?

The European Commission has encouraged and welcomed debate about how the services directive can be improved. We will be basing our amended draft law on the European Parliament's amendments.

Economic isolationism has never worked. And certainly turning the clock back to pre-1957 Ireland is not the way forward. - Yours, etc,




European Commission

Representation in Ireland,

Dawson Street,

Dublin 2.