Eurovision Song Contest

A Chara, - I write to support the views of Eoin Dunne (May 16th) regarding the dominance of the English language in the Eurovision…

A Chara, - I write to support the views of Eoin Dunne (May 16th) regarding the dominance of the English language in the Eurovision Song Contest. To oppose this dominance is not anti-English or anti-American; rather is it pro-European and pro-diversity. Let us hope the Irish people will show their generosity and openness to diversity in welcoming our fellow Europeans into the EU by supporting the Treaty of Nice in the June referendum.

The English language may be compared to a red rose - a beautiful and very popular flower. But who wants a garden full of red roses where there is no other flower? Precisely such an impoverished garden was exemplified by a song contest in which countries neglected their own languages for the commercial lure of singing in English. It is not too late to reverse this. Agus nach e is lu is gann d'Eirinn iarracht nios fearr a dheanamh na amhrain amhain as Gaeilge sa chomortas Eorafise gach daichead bliain? - Is mise,

Sean O Riain, Arda Sorrento, Deilginis, Co Baile Atha Cliath.