Sir - As with my letter of February 9th regretting the retirement of Maire Geoghegan Quinn, the Union of Students of Ireland …

Sir - As with my letter of February 9th regretting the retirement of Maire Geoghegan Quinn, the Union of Students of Ireland is sad to hear of Mervyn Taylor's decision not to seek re-election to Dail Eireann. Yet again, we see the loss of another progressive force from Irish public life.

USI, like many organisations, will remember him for his determination in steering the complex right to remarry safely into our Constitution. The quiet dignity that he displayed in the face of personal attacks during the campaign was an excellent example to young people, in particular, of the need for politics at an issues level and not at a personality one.

More recently, he has attempted to tackle issues frequently and civil liberties in the Equal Status Bill. The Minister knows that USI is not in full agreement with some of the measures included in the Bill, but we have always felt that his commitment to equality was beyond question.

USI asks Mervyn Taylor to take with him the good wishes of the student movements and of all involved in campaigns for social progress. It is becoming a worry that the Irish body-politic finds it hard to replace politicians of his like. Our organisation will miss him. - Yours, etc.,


President, USI, 1-2 Aston Place, Temple Bar, Dublin 2.