Extra charges on tickets

Madam, - I wished to book eight tickets for Disney on Ice in the Point Depot on April 9th

Madam, - I wished to book eight tickets for Disney on Ice in the Point Depot on April 9th. You can imagine my horror when it became clear to me that in order to book these tickets I would have to pay a processing charge of €2.95 per ticket. I was slightly reassured when my daughter was told over the phone that if one called in person to the Point Depot one would have only one processing cost, €1.50.

This, however proved not to be the case. Having arrived at the Point Depot I discovered that there was no box office operating on the premises and I was referred back to Ticketmaster.

I object strenuously to paying an extra €23.60 for a night's entertainment on top of the cost of tickets and therefore will forgo a visit to the Point even though it now means disappointing my little friends and their parents.

Hopefully, if enough people object to this odious practice, it might be possible to end this aspect of overcharging in our society. - Yours, etc,


ANNE KEATING, Beech Park, Lucan, Co Dublin.