Fast Track For Asylum Cases

Sir, - The Celtic Tiger is dead

Sir, - The Celtic Tiger is dead. Long live the Celtic Ostrich! Following the "radical" decisions by the Department of Justice to deal with refugees by commencing deportation, having not ratified the UNCAT (The United Nations Convention Against Torture or other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment), having not implemented the Refugee Act and having not prepared any procedures of a humane nature (in line with other European countries) to deal with refugees, methinks that the "one thousand Irish welcomes" this Christmas is as warm and welcoming as boiling oil. Is this a case of dealing with a sensitive problem in the same way as Zero Tolerance and its sequels? Thanks to Mr O'Donoghue and the "Magi" at the Department of Justice, I am no longer proud to call myself Irish. Come back Enoch Powell, all is forgiven! - Yours, etc.,

Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.