Fifa and corruption inquiries

Sir, – I read the article by Eamonn McCann on the arrest of Fifa officials on corruption charges with mounting incredulity and then outrage ("Just why did US blow whistle on Fifa foul play?", Opinion & Analysis, June 11th).

First, contrary to his claims that the arrests amounted to a new form of “American legal imperialism”, the US attorney general Loretta Lynch was within her rights to do so – as the indicted and arrested officials used US banks and had meetings on US soil. Second, if “imperialism” is defined by the rule or dominance of one nation over another, why quote Vladimir Putin?

I am very far from being some kind of uncritical defender of US policies but on this matter, I think the US was right to take the lead. In a globalised world, we can ill afford corruption, whether domestic or in international bodies such as Fifa. – Yours, etc,





Sir, – Your "Morning Sports Briefing" (June 12th) informs us that Fifa's head of communications Walter De Gregorio quit after making this joke on Swiss TV: "The Fifa president, secretary general and communications director are in a car. Who's driving? The police."

Thanks, Walter, if only more PR executives could be as unguarded in their comments. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.