Finding a place in secondary school

Sir, – My son was not offered a place in a secondary school in his town. He is on two waiting lists – 144th on one and 57th on another. His disadvantage was that he did not fall into any of the following categories: a brother of a current or past pupil; a son of a past pupil; a son of a staff member; or the a son of a member of the board of management. As a result, he and many others were put into a lottery.

What message is being given to my child and others in his situation? That they are not as important or as valued as other children? How can one child be deemed more acceptable for an education than another child? How can such a system of inequality and discrimination exist in Ireland in 2016? Why is the Government supporting such discrimination? When will the Government recognise and address the lack of places for children in secondary schools in Wexford town? – Yours, etc,

