Firm’s flip-flop over high heels

Sir, – The recent furore over a global firm that required a receptionist to wear heels of at least two inches is past due (“PricewaterhouseCoopers to change policy after controversy”, May 12th).

I have never handled heels well myself and have always chosen no higher than an inch as walking on the balls of my feet is uncomfortable.

Higher heels bring with them the additional “trip and fall” risks, as well as long-term back pains. Indeed as women get older, if they stop wearing heels, they have to relearn how to walk, back to the more conventional “heel to toe” movement. Prolonged used of heels affects calf muscles. We hear horror stories of women who have had botox injections into their feet, to allow them maintain the unnatural stances.

If a firm requires female staff to wear make-up, is there also an additional €1,000 per annum to cover this expenses?


Perhaps the time is ripe for male receptionists, and for firms to be proud that their male and female employees are genuinely equal. They might even gain business from this stance. – Yours, etc,


