Flooding in Clonmel

Madam, - The Minister for the Environment's proposal to introduce planning legislation to control development on the flood plains…

Madam, - The Minister for the Environment's proposal to introduce planning legislation to control development on the flood plains of Irish rivers is to be welcomed.

It comes too late for Clonmel, where current flood alleviation work is in progress. This work involves the obliteration of attractive scenic views, the erection of riverside walls and the removal of at least 250 trees.

The old river meadows which once held the Suir's water in flood are now entirely "developed". As they watched the gradual erosion of the natural drainage over the decades, older citizens of Clonmel, with their inherited knowledge of the behaviour of the river, predicted the inevitable outcome.

The powers that be did not listen.


- Yours, etc,

MARGARET ROSSITER, Powerstown Road, Clonmel, Co Tipperary.