Future of Dún Laoghaire baths

Madam, - It is galling to hear one of my local area representatives play the "poor mouth" in regard to Dún Laoghaire

Madam, - It is galling to hear one of my local area representatives play the "poor mouth" in regard to Dún Laoghaire. Cllr John Bailey's begging letter (August 30th) for more funds from central Government portrayed the kind of clientilism and gombeen man politics that would embarrass the worst kind of politician!

I know it is too much to expect the truth from our politicians, but somehow to suggest that Dún Laoghaire/Rathdown County Council - which is one of the most prosperous areas in Europe - receiving less funding as compared to more disadvantaged councils is a bad thing, takes some beating. - Yours, etc,

JOHN KENNY,  Arundel, Monkstown Valley ,  Co Dublin.