Garda strike

Sir, – What sort of government allows the situation with An Garda Síochána get to this point?

Give them what they are asking for. They are unique in the public service so shouldn’t be tethered by Lansdowne Road. No other group go out to work with the risk of serious injury or death on a daily basis.

Bar announcing a state of emergency on Friday I can’t see how there won’t be a lot of frightened people and serious consequences.

– Yours, etc,




Dublin 5

Sir, – The first duty of any state – before it levies a cent in taxation or maintains a single school or hospital – is to do everything within its powers to keep peaceable citizens safe.

Should our Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald fail to deliver an adequate police service on November 4th or any other day, she’d likely be in violation of Article 40.3.2 of our Constitution, which obliges the Irish State to “protect as best it may from unjust attack the life, person, good name and property rights of every citizen”.

In the event of such an inexcusable failure to so protect law-abiding citizens, Ms Fitzgerald ought to immediately resign from the Government or face removal from office by the President on the advice of the Taoiseach.

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.