Garden centres and busy bees

Sir, – I refer to Sonya Griffin's letter (September 5th) in which she requests garden centres to put bee-friendly plants, preferably native to Ireland, in one big pollinator display. She finds it difficult to pick the plants she wants from the huge choice provided.

Well, I sympathise with Ms Griffin and would suggest that she obtain a root of marjoram. This lovely plant should tick all her requirements. It has an abundance of lovely little purple flowers, is bred from a native Irish wild plant, and is a magnet for bees and butterflies. It is also a herb and used by cooks in that way; but beware, don’t try to harvest any when the bees are active as they will chase you away angrily, such is their attraction to this simple but lovely plant.

I hope this will help her to get started in making her garden bee- and butterfly-friendly. – Yours, etc,




Co Cork.