Gay marriage and parenting

Madam, - Breda O'Brien (Opinion Analysis, July 5th) argues that supporting "traditional" marriage is not homophobic, as this…

Madam, - Breda O'Brien (Opinion Analysis, July 5th) argues that supporting "traditional" marriage is not homophobic, as this is "widely acknowledged to be the best place to bring up children".

It may be widely acknowledged, but by whom? Ms O'Brien does not quote a single piece of research or any accredited professional body to support this claim. On the other hand, 67 studies in the United States, supported and accepted by the American Psychological Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association, accept that children reared by gay and lesbian parents fare just as well as children reared by heterosexual couples.

Indeed, a number of studies, from reputable schools such as the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and New York University (NYU) suggest that gay fathers are likely to take increased levels of interest in their children's welfare, apply stricter disciplinary guidelines, place greater emphasis on cognitive development and education, and take a broader role in their children's activities.

There is also evidence from these studies to suggest that children of gay parents are as likely to be gay themselves as children generally, and that they are likely to be more socially inclusive and tolerant, and have closer relationships with their parents than children raised in Ms O'Brien's "traditional" family.


Many countries have introduced civil partnerships legislation; and the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain (a deeply Catholic country), Canada and South Africa have full marriage equality in marriage for gay people, without society falling apart.

It is about time that politicians such as Senator Jim Walsh and journalists such as Breda O'Brien realised that traditional marriage is not under threat. Are they suggesting that by allowing full marriage rights for gay people, children in traditional heterosexual families will suffer. How would they? The claim makes no sense. I believe it is not the challenge to traditional marriage that is in question here but irrational fears about the social order.

I urge them to embrace change. Gay marriage, far from challenging the institution of marriage, will in fact strengthen and protect it. - Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.