GPs' earnings in med card scheme

Madam, – As can be inferred from your report (August 31st), the average GP earns €250,000 from the medical card scheme

Madam, – As can be inferred from your report (August 31st), the average GP earns €250,000 from the medical card scheme. However, this is a gross sum and at least half of this is accounted for in practice expenses such as staff and other running costs. This then leaves approximately €125,000 before tax for what is a very busy and responsible job.

I fear GPs like me are tiring of having to get across the same message every year when the HSE publishes (as is its prerogative) these figures. I hope our patients in particular understand, for it is our relationship with them that is paramount, – Yours, etc,


Trinity Close,

Carlingford, Co Louth.