Hallowe'en fireworks

Madam, - Anyone who heard the distressing stories of the suffering and deprivation endured by those unfortunate enough to have…

Madam, - Anyone who heard the distressing stories of the suffering and deprivation endured by those unfortunate enough to have to visit an A&E unit cannot but conclude that the members of this Government care very little about the people they represent.

However, one might have hoped that there would be at least one animal-lover in this motley crew who could raise a voice on behalf of the cats, dogs and other animals who are terrified, traumatised and disorientated by the earth-shattering explosions which are a constant feature for the best part of the three months before and after October 31st every year.

It is difficult to believe that it is illegal to buy or sell fireworks in this State and that the constant barrage attracts not the slightest interest from politicians or the law enforcement agencies. - Yours, etc.,

CARMEL COURTNEY, Sandyford Road, Dublin 16.