History Of The Echlins

Sir, - Flann O Riain will not object to his 86-year-old friend correcting one error in his piece (Where's That/Echlinville) of…

Sir, - Flann O Riain will not object to his 86-year-old friend correcting one error in his piece (Where's That/Echlinville) of April 3rd.

Frederick Echlin of Clonagh, etc. was not "created a baronet of Ireland" on October 17th, 1721; he simply succeeded his father, Sir James Echlin, fourth baronet, in 1836 as fifth baronet. A gambler, he died unmarried in May 1871 and was succeeded by his brother, Ferdinand.

It was his ancestor, Sir Henry Echlin, a Dublin judge, knighted in 1692, who was created a baronet on October 17th, 1721. He died on 29th November, 1725, having hoped for more.

The ninth baronet, Sir John F. Echlin, my mother's only living brother, died in our home in 1932, leaving his seven-year-old son, Norman D.F. Echlin, in later years in the Indian army, now married but childless, as the tenth and last baronet of the line. - Yours, etc., Norman Echlin Hoey,


Landgarve Manor, Crumlin, Co Antrim.