Homeless In Ireland

Sir, - I am just back from visiting the town of Pec in Kosovo where Refugee Trust and Concern are both doing brilliant work in…

Sir, - I am just back from visiting the town of Pec in Kosovo where Refugee Trust and Concern are both doing brilliant work in rehousing the homeless under absolutely awful conditions. While there, I read a most moving letter by an 11-year-old girl, Joanna Graham (January 11th), concerning the plight of a homeless person living in a pipe in Booterstown.

At the same time Bertie and Cecilia and their entourage were "swan-ing" off to South Africa five-star at our expense.

I just want to say categorically that we should not have one single homeless person in Ireland and that I am ashamed to be part of a nation that has got things so wrong and lacks the will to set them right.

I am angry after seeing Kosovo. I am angry after reading that little girl's letter. If I do not write now my anger will again, as so often before, subside into indifference, respectability, self-interest and silence. - Yours, etc.,


Dr Dom Colbert, Taylors Hill, Galway.