How much do ‘odious plutocrats’ earn?

Sir, – For some time now there appears to be a sentiment abroad that anyone earning somewhat north of €70,000 may be adjudged akin to an odious plutocrat to whom no fiscal quarter should be given.

This view is actively promulgated by a certain strain of squawking politician for whom, patronisingly, the poor can never be poor enough. The energy vented in such scattergun opprobrium may be better spent in honest acknowledgment that there are those who have invested time and commitment in their education, qualifications and work to attain a position which allows them to earn more than €70 ,000.

Not all, by any measure, were born with silver spoons in their mouths. By the same token, there are those who, in equally full awareness, have elected not to avail of the opportunities open to them to improve their earning capacity.

It is as deliberately divisive as it is disingenuously simplistic to consistently aver that society’s failings are the only reason some people find themselves financially on a lower rung of a payscale than others. – Yours, etc,



