How to live with dying

Sir, – I wish to express my thanks to the many Irish Times readers who responded so warmly to my article (Health + Family, January…

Sir, – I wish to express my thanks to the many Irish Times readers who responded so warmly to my article (Health + Family, January 29th). I have been deeply touched and encouraged by their responses and regret I am unable to respond to everyone individually.

I also wish to thank those with whom I have worked over the years and friends with whom I had lost touch for the beautiful cards and letters. I have received such wonderful advice. Fabulous letters to read and re-read to enrich my spiritual journey, suggestions for helpful books and excellent practical advice.

I had no idea that there was a service that provided lifts free of charge to and from hospital. I am also going to have another go at applying for a medical card and intend to attach a copy of the informative letter from Sharon Foley (from the Irish Hospice Foundation, February 5th). I have been heartened to read that my article has helped readers in return.

In addition to her invaluable advice regarding medical cards, Ms Foley suggests that the Irish Hospice Movement encourages “thinking ahead” to allow us “to reflect on and decide our preferences for care at the end of our lives – and then get on with the business of living”. What a wonderful service for those who have reached the palliative care stage of dying and how good to know that it is there.


However, some of us need those helping hands earlier on. I feel so privileged that through your readership I have experienced such openness and help and would like to again encourage readers to reach out to those they know who may be on the same path and not to be afraid to open conversations that facilitate “thinking ahead”. – Yours, etc,


Newtownpark Avenue,


Co Dublin.