If the cap fits

Sir, – Niall O'Sullivan (April 14th) doesn't like to see professional golfers wearing "goofy" baseball caps, even though this strange apparel generates additional income for these already highly pampered millionaires. He suggests a golfer might generate more column inches by daring to remove this headgear altogether and looking "a bit different".

I have another suggestion. Have your readers ever noticed how follicly challenged how many of these top golfers are, presumably from wearing baseball caps at every opportunity? Young Jordan Speith (21 years of age) is already worried about what’s left of his hair, if the constant shots of him trying to find it when he adjusts his cap are anything to go by. Many top cricketers – also constant cap wearers – are making a fortune with hair restoration outfits.

Come on, Jordan and Tiger, make the first move. If there’s money in it, the rest of the lads will follow. – Yours, etc,



Wicklow Town.